Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football Season '09 underway

Football season is underway for us here in Firth. Jordan is playing 8th grade grid-kid and loving it. He wasn't going to play this year because he hasn't really enjoyed it that much and he didn't want to get hurt for basketball season. Well everyday for a whole week he had either parents or teammates stop by to beg him to play. Finally the coach stopped by and pleaded with him to just come and try it for one practice, so needless to say he tried it and loved it this year. He is playing wide receiver and free safety. In the second game of the season Jordan scored the winning touchdown with 3 seconds left on the clock. The crowed went wild, it was awesome. (I don't have pictures of that touchdown, dang-it.)

These are pictures of Firth playing Rigby, we lost this game but Jordan had an awesome game.
He scored 2 touchdowns, and had some awesome tackles. The second picture is of his 1st touchdown
of the game.

Kiel is playing 5th grade grid-kid. This year he is playing line, a step up from last year.
Here is Kiel ( #31 ) playing against Taylorview Idaho Falls. Unfortunately Firth lost big time, but Kiel enjoyed his time playing. He has a lot to learn playing line but this is only his 2nd year playing so it will come.

He got in on some of the plays and on others just stood their to watch the game.
He is on the end with the white socks on and long white sleeves.
On this "both" picture he is pushing someone. Go Kiel!
I am glad they both seem to be having fun, at least this keeps them busy and gives them something to do.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Anita Stansfield fan club....... sign up and join!

I am so excited to tell you all about my favorite LDS author, Anita Stansfield. She has a new fan club blog where you can stay up to date on all of her new happings.. Check it out, it is awesome. If you sign up to follow up be sure to mention my name in your comment box, this next week she is doing a contest so help me out. SIGN UP AND JOIN ASAP!
Go to

have fun and good luck!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Do you want to see the cutest blog i have ever seen? She always has such cute ideas, and fun things posted. This week she is having a halloween give away. Get on and check it out at