Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What's for dinner?

I am so thankful to a dear friend of mine who decided to start a cooking blog.  Her blog and campbell's kitchen home cooking website and has saved me several times when i come home late or just can not decide what to make for dinner, when everything sounds the same, or you are tired of everything you know how to make.  

Her blog gives me good ideas and tips to use as well.  So thanks for all the time it takes to post your ideas, it helps me out. For the rest of you, if you need ideas as well check it out.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

January Recap

This is a recap of January. (It is all backwards on how I wanted it, but I do not want to fix it.  So enjoy a little crazyness). It is only the 24th of January and Blake and I feel like it has been 3 months since New Years Eve.  We have had a busy month with birthdays, basketball, and hoop shoots.
We had District hoop shoot in Blackfoot ( 12 miles south of Firth) for Jordan. He made 19 out of 25 and won 1st place. 2nd and 3rd place tied with 18, they had a shoot out.  We are so proud of Jordan and very surprised he won with 19, last time he got 21 out of 25.  So now he goes to State in Blackfoot again, on Feb. 7th. Blake and I are very proud of both of our boys.
Then Kiel's basketball started for the year.  Kiel is #13 with the ball.  He is having so much fun and loving every minute of it.  He loves learning from his older brother, but that does not mean he takes the advice very well.
Then we had Jordan's season start for basketball. This is his second game at South Fremont. They lost the first game at Shelley and they beat South Fremont by 1 point. Then they played Teton and beat them by 8 points, and lost to Sugar in over-time. They are 2-4.  His coach said they are on a winning streak! Jordan is having a lot of fun. I am not sure if you can see him good enough, he is at the top of the 3 point line in the blue with out the ball.
We started January out with a bang, we had New Year's then Jordan's hoop shoot then we had Blake's 33rd birthday. We celebrated by going out to eat at his favorite place, RED LOBSTER of course! He loves to get the King Crab, then the next day we had cake and ice cream with his family and then on Monday we had my dad and Chris over for dinner and peach cobbler (peaches that i canned this fall).  So we basically parted all weekend for his birthday, it was a lot of fun. Then his dad's birthday is 3 days after his, so we had cake and ice cream again.  His grandpa's is on the 1st, so we pretty much party all month long. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hoop Shoot 21 out of 25

Jordan made the finals for hoop shoot in Firth he made 18 out of 25, so he was sent to Blackfoot this last Saturday.  Blake was unable to go with us he had to coach Kiel's team, so Jordan and his friend Conner and myself went to Blackfoot.  Jordan was so nervous he has never been here before.  He made it last year but they told Firth and Shelley the wrong date so we missed it and they would not redo it for us.  So this is the 1st time he made it.  Conner went down and warmed up with him.  They got started and as I was watching I got more nervous for him.  The 1st round he made 7 out of 10.  The kid before him was from Shelley and he made 8 out of 10.  Jordan shows no emotion what so ever and they do not tell the kids how many each kid makes so they have no idea where they are at.  They get to the 2nd round and the kid in front of Jordan made 11 out of 15.  Jordan is next and he made 7 in a row then he missed one then he made 5 and was tied with the Shelley kid, Conner and I were about to lose control.  Because you have to be so quite you can not say anything at all.  So here we are keeping score and freaking out he is tied.  The other boys were not competition at all.  So Jordan really needed to make the next 2 shots to win.  He made the next one and they say last shot, he sinks it no problem the relief on his face was so funny I could not help to laugh.  The parents from Shelley kind of gave me a dirty look because they knew he won.  Well Jordan gets done they tell them to go sit in the stands until the girl's finish.  Jordan comes and sits down and says very quietly how did I do?  I said you made 21 out of 25, he says what about the Fredrickson  kid from Shelley I said 19 out of 25 he says YES! But mom I am nervous what if they messed up on my score? ( This happened 2 years ago in Firth with Jordan and his best friend Mason, Jordan won by 1 point and they gave it to Mason so Jordan lost, we were so mad but could do nothing about it) I said well buddy that is not something we can fix, lets just see what happens.  Well when it was time to announce the boys they said " 1st place boys goes to Tyler Fredrickson with 19 out of, Oh wait a minute excuse me it goes to Jordan Chapman with 21 out of 25"  I thought we were going to die for a minute both Jordan and I held our breath the parents from Shelley had the shock look on their face and then they said Jordan.  He had a big smile on his face he was so happy.  He did it!  He know goes back to blackfoot on January 24th for District.  We will keep you all updated on his progress.  He also has his first game against Shelley tomorrow. 


Jordan being presented with 1st place with 21 out of 25.

Jordan is warming up for the hoop shoot. His friend Conner is helping him get ready.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The waiting is over............

Jordan is a "Panther".  He had tryouts for 7th grade basketball the week before Christmas, and surprise he made the team!  Blake and I were so proud of him and very excited.  Now the fun begins, making sure he had good enough grades the Friday before games, practices and driving to all the away games!  HOW EXCITING!  Actually if any of you know us very well you will know that we really are excited and can not wait.  This is what Blake and I live for is to watch our boys have fun and play sports.
Well the 1st week of practice Jordan's best friend and also a guard went sledding and guess what?  Yup, broke his arm.  We were shocked, for one if you are on the school team you do not go skiing or sledding in the winter for that reason.  maybe I know that because I grew up as a coach's daughter and my whole family played sports, you just do not do things like that.  Well the coach wasn't too happy, for this boy was backup to Jordan.  So when Jordan goes out for a rest he has no one to put in as shooting guard.  Well tonight Jordan had a practice game and what does he do, he thinks he should go in and help rebound and rolls his ankle.  I thought Blake and his coach were going to lose control.  Luckily it is not bad and with some ice should be fine for practice tomorrow.  The whole way home Blake told Jordan " you do not rebound, you are a guard you stay out from under the basket see what happens when you go inside to rebound?  let the bigger guys get the ball"  poor Jordan!  Any ways he is doing better.
At school this week they had the hoop shoot contest and Jordan won for the 12 and 13 yrs old.  He made 18 out of 25.  Kiel won for his class but they have not finished the whole 4th grade yet so we will find out tomorrow if he wins.  Jordan goes to Blackfoot for the finals this Saturday.  Keep your fingers crossed for him.  He made it last year as well but Blackfoot told us the wrong date so we missed the finals, we were so mad.  So we wish him luck this year.  :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

OMG its 2009!

OMG, I can not believe 2009 is here!  This last year went by so fast, it is scary. Well I do have to say this New Year's eve sucked.  It was so boring.  We had my sister Lezlie and her family with us, and that was okay and would have been fun but both of our husbands are BORING!  All they did was sit in front of the T.V we tried to play games but that is only fun for about 5 min with kids.We tried leg wrestling, arm wrestling and was both fun for a minute. Jordan and Kohl are both over the age of 12 so they are old enough to play but Kiel and Kyler are not.  We tried playing Clue thinking okay they are over 8 yrs. so they should catch on, oh no don't try it.  It was a night mare, Lez and I tried to have fun and not yell, but it was pointless, and then to make matters worse Kyler kept telling us 4 min, 3 min and then 1 min and Lezlie was reading the directions and was not paying attention to him and we missed the New Year coming in. Me trying to keep my mothers tradition of banging pans, yelling, honking horns and trying to make as much noise as possible alive, and then we missed it this year! I think my neighbors were wondering if we were in bed or gone or maybe they were so delighted in the peace and quite that they celebrated their own way and will thank me later.  Well the kids were sure mad at us, they were so mad and almost crying it made Lezlie and I feel so bad, we still tried to celebrate ( we were only 30 sec. late) but they would not go for it.  So we failed big time this year.  I think I may be the only one in our family that still carries the tradition on.  I love it and look forward to it.  Blake on the other hand has always thought us Potter's were too loud.  He lets us do our thing and he stands back and watches while shaking his head.  Actually I believe he is just jealous he didn't think of it first! ha ha.  So needless to say we had a QUITE New Year's Eve.  New Year's day we went over to Blake's grandparent for a lunch. It is his grandpa's birthday today so we helped celebrate that with him. Lezlie's family left to go to the movies and Katie and Brandon and Karissa came down to play games with us.  That was fun, we played "ticket to ride" and Blake and Brandon played with us.  Wow! that was fun!  When they decide to live a little it can be fun. Then Blake and Jordan mostly played with Katie's baby Liberty, she is so cute and fun.  She is 7 months old and such a cutie.  We were glad they came down.